Friday, October 1, 2010


Well, the Briefing team have managed to do it again. Just as I had decided (again) that I would cancel my subscription as I never have time to read it - they come out with an issue I really want to read.

It arrived in my inbox last night and I read it straight away. Thankfully for you non-subscribers out there, the main article by Toni and Roger Lindeback, Raising Kids in a Sex-Crazed World, is available online. For those with kids and those who minister to kids, it's definitely worth reading, as well as printing a copy to keep. There is also a book review on Getting Real (which I also looked at earlier this year).

The other very helpful article was by Jean Williams, Love, sex and romance: Sexual purity for every woman. Sadly that is not available online, but I can send a copy of the Briefing to anyone who wants it (allowable with their copyright requirements), so if you would like to read it & I highly recommend you do, email me. Alternatively you can buy a emailed copy of the whole issue from Matthias Media.

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